  • InulinaInulina


Inulina, askotan oligofruktosaren izen orokorrarekin deitua, ppolisakaridoen nahasketa da, oro har glukosa unitate terminala duten fruktosa unitateen katez osatua. Inulina zuntz dietetiko prebiotiko gisa sailkatzen da. Nagusiki txikoria sustraietan, Jerusalemen alkatxofetan eta dalia tuberkuluetan aurkitzen da. Ura disolbagarria den zuntz dietetikoa da, karbohidrato naturala ere, ia ez da hidrolisi azidoa eta digestioa izaten. Mikrobioen hartzidura onuragarri ugari dago.

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Produktuaren Deskribapena


Inulinaa CAS:9005-80-5

Inulinaa Chemical Properties

MF: C18H32O16

MW: 504,43708

EINECS: 232-684-3

Fusio puntua: 176-181 ° C

Alfa: D20 -40 ° (c = 2) anhidrorako

Dentsitatea: 1,35 g / cm3

Disolbagarritasuna: ur beroetan eta azido diluitu eta alkalien soluzioetan disolbagarriak; apur bat disolbagarria ur hotzetan eta disolbatzaile organikoetan.

Uraren disolbagarritasuna: uretan disolbagarria.

Egonkortasuna: Egonkorra. Agente oxidatzaile sendoekin bateraezina.

Inulinaa CAS:9005-80-5 Specification:





Hauts fin zuria

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â% 99,0 ¥

% 99,96


% ‰ ¥ 90,0

% 92,83

(Fruktosa + Glukosa + Sakarosa)

% 10,0 ¤

% 7,17

PH balioa



Bahe analisia

NLT% 95ak 80 sare gainditzen ditu

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Lehortzean galera

% 5,0 ¤

% 3,50

Heavy metala


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Hondar disolbatzaileak


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Plaka kopurua guztira

<1000cfu / g

320cfu / g

Legamia eta Moldeak

<100cfu / g

20cfu / g



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Inulinaa CAS:9005-80-5 Product Description:

Inulinaa is a reserve polysaccharide in plants, mainly derived from plants. More than 36,000 species have been found, including 11 families such as Gisateraceae, Platycodonaceae, and Gentianaceae in dicotyledons, and Liliaceae and Gramineae in monocotyledons Wood family. For example, tubers of Jerusalem artichoke, chicory, tubers of pelargonium (Dali daisy), and roots of thistle are rich in inulin, of which the content of inulin is the highest.

Inulinaa CAS:9005-80-5 Functions

1. Odoleko lipidoak kontrolatu

Inulina sartzeak serumaren kolesterol osoa (TC) eta dentsitate baxuko lipoproteinen kolesterola (LDL-C) modu eraginkorrean murriztu ditzake, dentsitate handiko lipoproteina / dentsitate baxuko lipoproteina ratioa handitu eta odoleko lipidoak hobetu ditzake. Hidaka et al. Jakinarazi dutenez, kate motzeko zuntz dietetikoak 8g kontsumitzen zituzten 50-90 urte bitarteko adineko gaixoek bi aste geroago odoleko triglizerido eta kolesterol totala murriztu zituzten odolean. Yamashita et al. Bi astetan 8 g inulina dituzten 18 paziente diabetikoen 18 g elikatu zituzten kolesterol osoa% 7,9 murriztu zuten, baina ez zuten HDL kolesterola aldatu. Kontrol taldean, goiko parametroak ez ziren aldatu. Brighenti et al. 4 astez eguneroko zerealen gosarian 9g inulin gehitu zituzten 12 gazte osasuntsuek kolesterol osoa% 8,2 murriztu zutela eta triglizeridoak% 26,5. Zuntz dietetiko askok gantz-maila murrizten dute hesteetako koipeak xurgatuz, aulkietatik flotatzen duten gantz-zuntz konplexuak eratuz. Gainera, inulina kate motzeko gantz-azidoetan eta laktatoan hartzitzen da hestea amaitu aurretik, hau da, gibeleko metabolismoaren erregulatzailea. Kate motzeko gantz azidoak (azetatoa eta propionatoa) odolean erregai gisa erabil daitezke, eta propionatoak kolesterolaren sintesia inhibitzen du.

2. Odoleko azukre txikiagoa

Inulinaa is a carbohydrate that does not cause elevated glucose in the urine. It is not hydrolyzed into monosaccharides in the upper part of the intestine, and therefore does not raise blood sugar levels and insulin levels. Studies now show that the decrease in fasting blood glucose is the result of short-chain fatty acids produced by oligofructose fermentation in the colon.

3. Mineralen xurgapena sustatu

Inulinaa can greatly increase the absorption of minerals such as Ca2 +, Mg2 +, Zn2 +, Cu2 +, Fe2 + ". It is reported that teenagers consume 8 g / d (long and short chain inulin-type fructan) for 8 weeks and 1 year, respectively. It was found that both significantly increased Ca absorption, and the body's bone mineral content and density also increased significantly. The main mechanism by which inulin promotes the absorption of mineral elements is: 1) the short-chain fat produced by inulin fermentation in the colon causes the The crypts become shallower, the crypt cells increase, which increases the absorption area, and the cecum veins become more developed. 2) The acid produced by fermentation reduces the pH of the colon, which improves the solubility and bioavailability of many minerals, especially short-chain fatty acids Can stimulate the growth of colonic mucosal cells and improve the absorption capacity of the intestinal mucosa; 3) Inulinaa can promote the secretion of phytase by some microorganisms, which can release the metal ions chelated with phytic acid and promote its absorption. 4) Certain organic acids produced by fermentation can chelate with metal ions and promote metal ion absorption.

Inulinaa CAS:9005-80-5 Application:

1.Inulinaa can be applied in the food industry, Chicory Extract Inulinaa is usually used as food additives.

2.Inulinaa can be applied in the field of cosmetics, Chicory Extract Inulinaa is used as an immune modulator.

3.Inulinaa can be applied in fields of health products and pharmaceutical, Chicory Extract Inulinaa is used as immunomodulatory agents and immune-stimulating hormone.

Hot Tags: Inulina, fabrikatzaileak, hornitzaileak, fabrika, Txina, Txinan egina, merkea, deskontua, prezio baxua

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